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Careers information

CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) will help you make some really good, informed choices about your future. Whatever stage of education you are at there are choices to be made that could affect your future education and employment. At KLA we want to provide you with opportunities to learn about different careers, meet different employers, visit places of work, and be able to ask important questions so you are inspired and motivated to be the best you can be.

Please visit for guides on how to get into popular careers.

Careers Lead:

Mrs Katie Leeming-Watts

01553 774671

Vision & Purpose

At King’s Lynn Academy, all students will be supported to become independent managers of their own careers both whilst at KLA and in the years after they leave the school. We will offer opportunities that aim to engage, inspire and inform students in terms of further education, higher education, and employment.

As a school we are committed to impartiality, ensuring that students are aware of all the opportunities available to them.

National and Local Expectations.

Our Careers programme will meet the statutory guidance set out by the DfE’s Careers Strategy. We are aiming to achieve the Gatsby benchmarks by the end of 2020.

Please see the student Careers Page for more information and resources.